Mind Programming through Handwriting Improvement for Kids

Handwriting is the reflection of our personality on a sheet of paper. By changing the way we write, we are able to change our personality. Many children, while learning to write, adopt certain strokes or styles that can have disastrous consequences on the attitude, beliefs and overall persona. We graphologists aim to remove these strokes from their handwritings and inculcate character traits that will help them become successful citizens of tomorrow.

Mind Programming through Handwriting Improvement for Kids

Posted By : Manasi Manoj Agarwal

Posted On : 2022-05-12 16:49:04

Business Name : Renovision's Brainwriting Research Institute

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Description :
Handwriting is the reflection of our personality on a sheet of paper. By changing the way we write
we are able to change our personality. Many children
while learning to write
adopt certain strokes or styles that can have disastrous consequences on the attitude
beliefs and overall persona. We graphologists aim to remove these strokes from their handwritings and inculcate character traits that will help them become successful citizens of tomorrow.